Polyurethane Fiber Production

Efficiently removes impurities and feature proprietary technology for continuous operation and extended on-stream life

Engineered. Advanced. Filtration.

Pall Filtration Solutions for Polyurethane (Spandex) Fiber Production

Pall has developed high-tech filtration solutions for polyurethane (spandex) fiber production that efficiently remove impurities and feature proprietary technology for continuous operation and extended on-stream life.



Pall has engineered advanced polyurethane filtration process for polyurethane fiber (spandex) production. High performance filtration is essential for this intricate polyurethane filtration process to avoid the adverse and costly effects associated with the presence of contaminants such as gels and particulates.  As the industry leader in innovating high-tech filtration solutions, Pall Corporation has developed polyurethane filtration solutions for the fiber production process that efficiently remove impurities and feature proprietary technology that improves reliability and reduces costly downtime.


Pall Dope Filtration Solution


Pall’s dope filtration solution increases the consistency and quality of the final polyurethane fiber product. Utilizing Continuous Polymer Candle Filter systems which features patented diverter valves, filter changeovers are seamless without any pressure spikes or spin breaks. This advanced continuous polymer filtration technology ensures continuous operation and minimizes costly downtime associated with filter maintenance and breaks during the spinning process. Furthermore, the hard sintered true random fiber medium with tapered pore geometry and Unipleat polymer candles lengthen on-stream life and maximize gel and particulate capture.  This effective and reliable contaminant removal is crucial for a high quality end product.



Pall DMAc Filtration Solution


Pall has developed the PhaseSep® A/S L/L Coalescer for optimal DMAc solvent filtration.  Proper filtration of the solvent spinning solution ensures that contaminants are not introduced into the pre-polymer at this critical stage in the polyurethane fiber production process.  Its unique stacked design, non-disarming medium, and extremely high coalescing ability deliver a cost effective and optimal filtration solution.  The small size and economic operation of the PhaseSep coalescer features efficient ultra-low IFT emulsion separation and requires fewer separator cartridges for low cost solid and liquid removal.


Quality and efficient polyurethane fiber production requires optimized continuous polymer filtration solutions.  Pall Corporation is the industry leader in advanced filtration technology and has developed filtration solutions that continuously and effectively remove impurities, resulting in the highest quality polyurethane fiber production while minimizing costly downtime.


Contact our dedicated and knowledgeable team of filtration experts to learn more about how Pall’s innovative and advanced filtration solutions can improve your business!

Our superior portable filtration solutions allow for high-efficiency offline filtration of lubrication fluids in industrial manufacturing applications.


Discover how efficient polyurethane fiber production can address your needs by contacting our filtration experts below.

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How can we help?

If you are looking for innovative filtration solutions, you’ve come to the right place. Our knowledgeable subject matter experts are here for you. Contact us for more information, we look forward to assisting you shortly.