Producing Quality Cannabis Oil using CO2 Extraction

Find out more about our flexible solutions for Cannabis Oil CO2 Extraction which help to meet safety standards while still achieving the highest quality end product.

Pall's “SUPRA” Technologies Are Key To Filtration For CO2 Extraction Methods In Cannabis Oil


Keeping up with the rapidly expanding cannabis market requires expert applications to provide consumers with a high-quality end product. CO2 extraction is the most common cannabis oil extraction method. However, producers have experienced significant challenges downstream of this process leading to quality and safety concerns.


To meet the economic, quality, and clarity requirements, Pall worked with cannabis extract producers using CO2-based systems to find a simple yet flexible solution.


Download our Cannabis Oil CO2 Extraction Bulletin to Learn More About:


  • The challenges faced in CO2-based cannabis oil extraction methods and how our cost-effective solutions can address them.
  • How our GMP and FCC compliant applications provides improved filtrate quality.
  • How reduced operating costs with a short return on investment can be achieved.


Pall Corporation does not support, encourage or promote the use of its products or services in connection with any illegal use, cultivation or trade of cannabis or cannabis products. Pall products are intended to be used for cannabis related purposes only in compliance with all applicable laws in a manner that promotes public safety and/or in connection with any lawful and approved scientific or research activities.

Download the Bulletin by submitting the form