Process Water Filtration Solutions for Marine Applications

Maintaining the purity of coolant and process water is crucial to prevent equipment damage. Separating solids and emulsions in process water can be challenging for ship operators. Discover solutions here.

It is crucial to maintain the purity of coolant and process water. Contaminants can damage equipment through fouling and erosion. However, separating higher solids and medium to coarse emulsions in process water can be difficult depending on the physical properties of the contaminants. The inability to efficiently separate solids and medium to coarse emulsions in process water can be very costly to ship operators.


We provide solutions for the following applications:


Incoming and Coolant Water

Membranes for Bilge Water Separation and Gas Scrubber Wash Water Treatment

Gas Turbine Water Injection Systems

Contact our filtration experts below to discuss the right process water filtration solution for you.