Reduce Reject Rates
In automotive manufacturing plants, there are fluid cleanliness specifications for engine oils, automatic transmission fluids, coolants and diesel fuel. These automotive fluid filtration specifications are usually stringent to avoid any cross-contamination added to assembled clean systems before being tested in dynamics on production channels.
Filling lines, like all single-pass systems, require fine filtration solutions. To extend the service life of the filter elements, there are usually high flow multi-element housings connected to the bulk fluid delivery systems, maintaining proper fluid cleanliness levels.
The objective of the filters installed on the bulk storage systems is to deliver fluids to meet cleanliness specifications at their points of use. Fine filtration in filling line is required on both filling lines and bulk storage systems.
Example of Pall Filtration installed on bulk reservoir and filling lines
Pall filtration technology applied on a filling line in automotive industry, whatever the fluids, enables the car Maker / Tier Supplier to:
- Deliver clean fluid at points of use
- Minimize running costs due to long filter element service life and low initial differential pressure
- Generate cost savings through lower power consumption and reduced filter maintenance
Particulate Filtration
Our extended range of high-performance filter elements are the best in automotive fluid filtration and include brands such as Coralon, Athalon and Profile built for both flush and fill ensure particulate free fluids. Our high-quality filter housings provide quick change-out features and can be easily fitted into production systems.
Dehydration and Entrapped Gas Removal
Pall HNP/HLP series fluid conditioning purifier for viscosities to 700/1000 cST removes 100% of free water and entrained gases and over 80% of dissolved water and gases. It is simple, compact, and portable making it a great fit in tight assembly lines.
Filtration in Filling Line - Fluid Monitoring
For fuels, lubricants, and coolants the PCM500 cleanliness monitor is built to monitor particulate contamination, temperature, viscosity, and optional water content, giving ISO 4406 cleanliness code results in less than 6 minutes. Ideal for quality inspectors, the system is hand held but can also be permanently mounted. It features mesh blockage technology unaffected by water, air or dark fluids. With its self-cleaning procedure, the PCM500 can ensure no problems with cross contamination.
Not only will these solutions benefit the quality of each new unit but will also maintain the high cyclic rates demanded in the assembly process. Spills, splatter and improper measurements of fluids are eliminated keeping the assembly line and components clean. Particulate contamination, that can lead to costly warranty claims are minimized. OEM quality demands are maximized.
For more information on how our fluid purity solutions can benefit automotive OEM total quality control in the filling line in automotive industry, speak to a Pall automotive industry expert today.
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